
The sun shines down from heaven like the face of God, it enters the mind into dazzling and sparkling ideas and events of past victories and present trials for future glories and admorations of Christ like appearances into the lives and hearts of many people. It is a brilliant light of brightness and fashions  for reasons that give us hope and identity in life. It is this brilliantly bright sun that comes down into our lives to cheer us up out of the dulldrums of negativity and distainful destrort. it is the interbrilliantlybright izatioalability of coming persistance and residence into our hearts, minds and live. Like the face of God  in heaven that requires no light except the radiance of His character and brilliant persistance to love us unconditionally, whatever the circumstances in situations, that life can put us into as a predicament of sin or turmoil and trouble. It is the light shining in the darkness, it is the opening at the end of the tunnel or the exit of the cave from exploring or digging underground in the mines, It is bright and dazzling that you almost need sunglasses to look at it, it is the mind of Christ and it is the face of God burning like a brandished iron in and of a red and white hot furnace. The brilliantlybrightizationalability is the love of God, it is His compassion and shining of light mercies into the heart of the lonely, destitute and burdened. It is His company in times of need, it is sympathy in times of pain and anguish, it is care in times of  worry and embarrassment of personal affairs. It is the unconditional love of God that makes us human, that he gives to us at the whim of His grace and mercies. It is all the good that God wants us to be, that while we have struggles that weigh us in fearsome dread, it is the navigating by God to lead us out of that terrible and bad situation, into a place of heaven and happiness. We have to know we are loved, we have to experience love first hand and also when we have to travel the road of life alone as well sometimes with only God walking beside us. The interbrilliantlybrightizationalability is the full capacity of God with all His love showing us the way by His guiding light and leading us into the path of righteousness to everlasting life and the eternal victory of the resurection spirit. Being bright is being joyous and being brilliant is being beautiful in many and more ways than one, It is the field commander in charge of his army, it is the captian of the ship, it is the air force major general who requests a fighter bomber squadren to take to flight to protect his home ground and soil from attack. We can't take life for granted nor can we throw money away at our own personal disposal of use and waste. We must be shrewd and conservative, we must be tight and shrivelous with expenditure and take and pay careful attention to detail, as to how we spend our time and money. Being productive is of infinite value and wasting time is frivolous to want and waste. We must enjoy the good times, but know how to handle the bad and difficult circumstances that can drag us down into hell. Interbrilliantlybrightizationalability is staying out of jail and purposefully making things out of creative behaviour and the eternally wondrous wisdom of God's love. It is traveling aorund the world of God's love and seeing the many treasures and places of planet earth in all the adventures of a lifetime. It is loving in times of hate until you find your way out of that horrible situation and it is just being yourself to the best of your own ability to be just that, yourself in times of peace and working need.