
In the school of thought on modern day sciences and art where the art of the thought itself is to just think the idea of interintellectualisaztionability is very well under construction in the memory of the the thought itself. Once the original idea is conceived and we are able to think the thought for ourself and how it got into the world and how it can get out, with you or without you knowing about it to me, then we can come to a common understanding of what the thought could possibly be in the thought itself if we are clever enough to think it or not. Anyway whether rational in thought or not, or just be able to think it, we must consider the idea of someone or something else when we understand where we fit into the by picture of how it relates with someone else. The concept of intelligence is the foundation for understanding and learning being that of the conceptualisation of the thoughts themself after being able to conceive what can be achieved by someone else or what can be believed and or received by one at all. In both cases we cant deny the reason to ourself but instead must thoroughly understand the situation in order to be in control of our thought and what we think of it indeed. This modern organisation and control of thought offers an inivitation to be connected and linked in order for others and indeed all, to the understand what one can do once one is equipped with the power of the word and the knowledge in their heart of what they can do with it. This is simply yet to be highly developed and still not properly constructed in thought and dialogue, it is not a disability in speech or thought, but a voice in written expression which communicates freely the sound of words in detailed and ordered sentence structure, that can be oral or verbal and reasonably instituted dictionary definition to pronounce and annouciate the words in phonetics and rhythmatic voice to the intellectualization and ability of the intelligence of understanding to us all.