
Welcome to intereducationizationalability of what is a subject matter very close to my heart, teaching people how to live and not die is the crux and critical essence of this topic. Education is how we learn to live in the world, how to progess in the work force to make a good and honest living. How to learn anew the things of life that we forget, that are ready priorities in our life and major and definite requirements for sustaining life and growth. It is not all as simple as sitting in a classroom, even though that is where most of us begin to start to learn, it is about on the job training and advancement up the heirarchy to positions of power and authority, once you have passed the test of competance and your can give instruction wisely and surely instead of being on the educational receiving side. Teaching is important but not as important to learning, because no matter how much you know, you can never know enough and education gives us a thirst and desire with a hunger to learn more and more all the time. Even a teacher gains wisdom and knowledge from their class by learning about and from diferent students and their ways and means. You can't sit back on your hands and become complacent, the world does not work that way. The world will soon and surely leave you behind if you think you know enough. No! the way to get on is to ever strive to learn and seek more intelligence and wisdom all the time. Looking back on your past as to where you have come from, so as to know where you are heading and in what direction you will take in the future. Education is the main form and way to knowledge, it gives us skills and abilities to use in everyday work situation as and how to handle problems, strife and trouble through practical application and experience of working knowledge. The way ahead is dictated from the way we have come from behind, from past errors and experiences, from mistakes made, being fixed and corrected. Infact there is seemingly endless possibilities in what there is in scope to learning, the universe is still relatively unexplored and so there lies so much before us as to how to unlock the key to the biggest subject of all and that is the mysteries of an ever going and infinite universe. Life was meant to be maintained and sustained and passing wisdom and knowledge down the line to future generations is still important and timeless, as it is ever being required. We must go on and on into the unknown, conquering the questions of space, time and life. Education and learning remains the key to this and nearly every factet of our evolution.