
Just like the glorious spirit of Jesus comes and goes in His heavenly kingdom, so does the work of availability influence our lives on a daily basis. I am accountable for this and made available when needed and required to do so and also upon request and demand in stringent and dier times. We have to make ourselves available in an emergency situation when a tradegy happens or God calls us into action in the front line of home, work or pleasure. We have to ensure that accidents don't happen if we can and be available to help in times of family and freinds when they are caught up and out and make oursleves available to them to help out anyway that is needed or in any wise, time and fashion to assist. Interavailabilizationalability, is a complex network and structure of using time wisely, manging time wisely and ensure that you have enough time to do the things you need to do for yourself and other people. Time is the most important commodity that you can have and making yourself available to other people helps you ad them to live longer. Kindness, love and friendship are as important as luxurious cars, houses and holidays, sometimes it is hard for us to decide between, but we must make our time count and be available for people when they need and require us to do so. It is a kind of a working social network of friends and family looking out for each other and working together like business associates to form a kind of prefab industrial faith group of colleagues assisting each other by making themsleves available for one another. It is all about collectivity of thought , mind and deed, shaped and arranged in a working order to help, assist and make good use of time. Can you start to see Jesus coming into the picture again now, as we work together, the kingdom of God is built up and restored into working order, just as we help each other in love, time usuage and making oursleves available, the spirit intercedes and comes into the presence of the group and God leads love and kindness into people's hearts. It is all the working for the glorification of God's kingdom, where being available works in turns and rounds to interact and beneift all contributers. It is the gift of God to help someone else and giving of your time by making yourself available for other people, is the bringing in and uniting of God's kingdom. Are you starting to get the picture of Interavailabizationalability now, can you see yourself in the picture, it is a pretty picture after all, all working together to help God and advance His kingdom upon earth. That is what being available is all about, fitting into the picture of God's ki9ngdom on earth. I am available if you are available, come into the kingdom and rejoice.