The Family Relationship With God

Family has a key part in modern day society and the relationship with God as a heavenly father looking down on His children is and intricate part in the well being and the understand of the people for a healthy perspective and ideal view on how is the right way to do things as seen through Gods eyes and in what position does that place the family as an integral part of society and the church that God calls home for his instructions, leadership guidance and rules for living that are laws of the land and spiritual freedom of opinion for the comprehending of the best ideas for our lives.

The family offers parents the privilege of children while children need the dependency of the parents which ties the family unit together. God plays a pivotal role in that while the individual family maybe quite small, on the broader scale in the bigger picture the family of man as the human race needs the love and care of God by being in a right relationship with his will and desires. The singularities and similarities of individual cultures also influence the family relationship with God and while being non-racist and indiscriminate god looks down on all his families children as a blessing and with a blessing of live.

God does not want to see any of his children perish or waste away but by a controlling and powerful hand, shepherds cares and instructs his family. This blessing of servant hood and stewardship is a normal feature of his Goodness and love and while we each individually tend to go astray, the unity of the family and the fellowship of believers looks to god for strength and confidence to fight the battle of daily life, in that they can feel encourages to survive as close knit family units in a powerful world where to serve the right helps and makes the people who look to God, safe in their family unit of nurture.