The Joy Of Children Succeeding

Parents want to bring their children up to be best of their ability, by teaching them the right ways to live and the skills with things they need to achieve ad perform to the best of their own individual ability. The child needs confidence instilled into them so that they do not fewer life and can aim to attain all the glorious prizes of self achievement. Children naturally want to learn all they can and the only negatives and hindrances are laziness and disbelief in themselves.

The joy of children succeeding is a privilege that the parents get to know by the observation of rewards and incentives offered by teachers for their best efforts and central focus on achievement. Teaching children to succeed is not easy and they are many reasons why children often fail to achieve their best, too much television and not enough homework self indulgence in chocolate and lollies instead of nutritious food. Things laid on in the way of toys to play that take up the time from diligent study and the concentration needed to focus on success orientated fields of work and interactive achievement.

Then as they get older and learn that they can make money out of being successful they come unstuck again through alcohol cigarettes drugs and illicit sex. These unwanted successful idols and images are really negatives to society and communal well being and the flourishing of the family unit and all the trimmings that God has to offer through church. The joy of children succeeding is indeed a true reward, but the un-doings and the repentance from mistakes is an intimately negative they have to learn with too much self confidence. Success is a nice idea to be rich and famous but being truly successful is in teaching children or other people the right and wrong ways to do things and encourage all to walk the narrow road of life instead of the broad road to destruction.