Providing An Income

Providing an income to support a family is the hard and difficult part of the procedure of bringing up and raising a family. The fact of life is that the world is hard and yet necessary to maintain stability for twenty to thirty years until your family has passed the point of adolescence and become self sufficient for themselves. In the mean time you have the parental role of providing or earning an income to support your family's needs and essential requirement of food, clothing, shelter and a few toys or trivial things for learning and entertainment.

Let us be honest with ourselves and that the job of paying the bills and the happiness of the wife and children is the first concern and while maintaining a stable and safe environment you have the capacity to make a living and supportive income generation out of your job or career which is enough to enable the basic essentials and necessities of life to be paid and is allowed the luxuries of a few niceties for happiness, comfort and reward of the labor of love to support your family.

The fruit and the mean of this love affair is a happy and healthy family unit that grows in knowledge, wisdom and security, through the sustaining of right means and justifiable levels of satisfaction in producing what allows the sweetness of life and the substance and sustainability of communal relationships through sociological circles, with church reinforcement and leadership for guidance and the contributing credibility and interest generated out of the loving arrangement of the family unit. This income generation can be a many diverse and varied levels depending on the intellectual capacity of the main bread or income winner but the achievement is enhanced in the endurance test of patients and understanding for the long term outcome and benefit of the whole family unit.