
Engagement is the next step after a period of satisfying the selection criteria after the courtship process. The choice is made on a mutually compatible basis whereby the man asks the woman to marry him and the woman chooses to accept the entering in of a lifetime contract of marriage, but first there is the buying of an engagement right to put on the woman's left finger for the temporary trial period of satisfying each there's needs and requirements for the terminology of the marriage contract.

This is discussed and like courtship can be a time of loving behaviors where the closeness and the mutual bond of true love forms for the taking of vows in the wedding ceremony. This can take at least 12 months to two years in itself and jumping into marriage after only a 6 month engagement can be counterproductive for a lasting lifetime commitment. There is the visiting of eachother's homes and places, getting to know the parents of eachother's spouse.

There is still the inner dates and home cooked meals, theatre, opera concerts and church commitments, but at the end of the day when the engagement period is entered into and accepted as the final choice of mutual acceptance of the other person as your perfect lifetime companion and partner the marriage vows are exchanged in a big family, and church wedding the engagement process and time period is the formalisation and acceptance of this other person you have chosen as you lifetime compatible mate and the person you want to share and spend the rest of your life with. Each will have their faith but the two way communication and the love of God can help you overcome any obstacle or difficult y in accepting each others idiosyncrasies and differenced by the mutual compatibility of the interchanges of love when sex starts after the marriage and the honeymoon starts and sprouts.