Is The Glass Half Empty Or Full

At the end of this page I will taste the water but in the meantime thy cup runneth over and the glass is always half empty or full so I suppose that leave and empty coffee mug. Sorry I am just trying to be wise enough t philosophise on life and not lead things o a point of death so I think I will drink the half empty glass. Now it is empty and it only remains and sits there to be filled up again or to be washed.

Now it is full I feel like a cup of coffee and will now probably want to make a mug of tea but in actual fact I will drink the water first. I thought I'd try to but then realized that the glass will be half empty r empty again so I will have to fill it up and probably never get my coffee or tea. So is the glass half empty of full? When it is full it has got to be empty and when it is empty you have to fill it up again to be full? When it is full it has got to be empty and when it is empty you have to fill it up again to be full. That's the spirit thing like I think I want a drink from it all the time I don't know whether I always was or always will be thirsty again. Just like in the pub or club there is always someone filling up or pouring out a drink of alcohol which in its natural state is clear like water, but when we have a beer wine or mixed drink is making us full or leave us empty because in that social environment we always want another drink.

So now I still have my full glass of water and I am thinking that some kind of fruit juice, orange for example would be better and I am not going to drink the water because I would not then be thirsty enough for the juice and I don't want to waste the water because it is precious and sustains all life. So I will drink half of it again and see if I feel like another drink but the water is making my idea clear and the air I can breathe smells like the ink I am writing with and the glass is half empty of water and have full of air so for it to be half full of water I have to acknowledge the difference between the air and water and finish this line off with the ink I smell.