The Perfection Pool

I was going to call this page the reflection pool but now days you are better working in the mirror than the water. So the perfection pool is about sitting around a pool at some resort in the tropics and having a nice fruit cocktail. Then going back to your room after being put in the romantic mood, getting dressed and going out to the restaurant and then sitting at the table and enjoying an exquisite meal.

At least I think this is what it is all about or it could be going in to a pool parlor and cleaning up in eight ball after potting every ball from the break before you finally put the right ball and leaving your opponent demoralized, speechless and thoroughly disgusted. Reflection like perfection is a pool of life that looks too good to be true and actually is.

The reality is that you can't always have a fleet of cars to spoil yourself and run your company but just like riding a bike you have to learn to walk first. So the perfection pool is more like a gene pool where you wear a suit more than a pair of jeans and the conception of the love is a whole lot of individual fetuses that become babies, children and adults being all people who have different characteristics and idiosyncrasies. So that means the perfection pool is having a good look at yourself and seeing the reflection in the mirror as clear as water. This creates an electrical impulse in the body and the mind is heavenly right. Then with a concentration on the reflection and the perfection of the pool gives you a fond feeling like a pond that means life becomes a word and money for people who are in a crowd and have to get out of the cloud so as they do not have to become a clown. The perfection pool is the figure that you put on you worth and the intrinsic value it has on society and those who you influence and influence you and who have by the time no strife.