I'll Know A Page

I'll know a page or at least I think I will because as I begin to write there is not much on it there is plenty of room for writing and by the time I get to the bottom of it, I will know a page.

A page however long it takes it's just an idea of a thought providing thing that buy the time you get to the bottom of it you should have some idea what it is about and some sort of recollection of what it was trying to say in written dialogue of words. But I want to make this one momentous so that I will always be able to say that I know a page and I am trying now to make it really exciting and thought provoking so that it sticks in your mind and mine and leaves some kind of last impression on the person who is reading it. Because it means a lot and makes a big difference to single out and highlight the individual page as the be all and end all of pages so that the one stagnant page is a thought to remember.

I'll know a page as I get half way down and I am just slowly starting to build momentum to get to the climax and pinnacle of the page because as I draw down and write down the word on and down the page the idea starts to slowly develop and evolve out of what was simply nothing starting to take some shape and form and becoming something from what it was originally simple a blank piece of paper with an idea at the top till I re-picked up my pen and started to write it all down until now when I actually has some body and real direction of the picture is started from to what is it starting to depict as the overall overview of the conception of its simplicities and complexities in the generation of formal and resolution to produce the final and end result of a frilly written and bodied page through the revolution of writer words to the revolution of the turning of the words into a world of its own and now has a real ending and overall complexion with its own face and understanding from what was the knowing of I'll know a page.