
The product of the human being is people and this reproduction is sexually transmitted and conceived through orgasmic intercourse and the uniting of the sperm and the egg into embryonic unification which manifests itself into a fetus and a baby child is born. But the repetitive replication of reproduction on a mass scale and level takes away personalization and the individual characterization of the human being.

We are all intrinsically unique and the reproduction of the human being is like a product of commercial value that is made and created for formulation and process of the food chain and the richness of quality of life through luxuries, essential commodities and necessary things that we reproduce on a daily level as the ecological environment allows and as a mother nature and the control for God to lead and guide and allow for contingencies of plenty and few where arid areas need more subsistence and catering of the rich for the poor so that the economical financial supply is reproduced as well to maintain and revolve around regeneration and the evolution of life cycles and organisms that replenish and natural fertilise the human origins of recreation and disbarment into tangible and realistic refurbishment.

In the course of replenishment genes and chromosomes and cells are reproduced identically in each species but the traits and understanding of the individual features and mind of the individual is subject to flexibility and change hence therefore giving choice and a free will to make good and poor decisions and concentrate on what is optimum for the progressions of life. It is these choices and changes that enable reciprocate reproduction and lead on to further the advancement of the natural kingdom and the family life and originality of unification that make reproduction what it is and the basic meaning of life itself on earth.