Ten Years Of 365 Days

Two thousand years seems like two thousand days in the scheme of things and twenty years can seem like a life time, but when you look at 3,650 days as ten years it is more like just going on forever into eternity when things seem perfectly kind and memories repeat in 2 years cycles that just reflect Déjàvu in like what you have done, happened only yesterday and here you are doing them again today. It is all about forgiveness of sin and doing what God wants you to do for Him, what he would have or could have done for you if he was only able and you were willing to let him. So how it now appears and it would not really matter f it was a million years and you made a million dollars to become a millionaire and all you have to do is sell thing you have collected and you have the money in the bank.

Or is it not really so easy as it seems and all the way along the road of life and narrow way, you have made an effort many times, in little imaginable ways that have slowly collected themselves to maturity and you are a success, you have made it through the times of trouble and out the other side of the tunnel to see the light of day. The dark and dusty corners, filled with cobwebs and sin that was swept under the carpet and has been taken outside and beaten with a stick life really is a beautiful and lovely thing and God has had a perfect plan all the time, with each of those who follow slowly seeing thing fall into place and the goal that God has had of heaven for centuries slips into vision and paradise fills your mind and heart.

It may well have been more than ten years, but with God getting a tenth of your money as a tithe and your lifetime is only quarter done, but 20 - 25 years take a longer while to repeat and really all God is interested in is getting your sin right, if we all had only done it right the first time we all would have more time and money to go the further distance and do the different things. But if I have my time again, I'd nearly do it all the same again.