Why Care At All

Sometimes you feel like no one cares at all and you just want to give up. I have heard it said by people, Why Care At All? When we work for the sake of it and no matter what we do something goes wrong, the work is never all done and the vicious cycle just continues to keep going on and around all the time. When we seem to be happy and have our accomplishments in place, the wheel falls off or the thing breaks or the normal stress and turmoil of life just gets the better of us.

Even when we are happy with all that we have done, we are never totally contended with what we have got and the work has to get done for anything else, just to pay the bills sometimes or otherwise waste our hard earned savings on an incurrent of an unexpected expense. Why care at all, you say, isn't there a God up there in the heavens who has it all under control, doesn't he deal fairly and justly with our lives. Isn't there enough money to go around to take care of every single thing we need of and isn't there a reason for our pain and suffering, with a purpose and a plan for the best we can have in our life. There is a nasty little win called sin, that seems to want to balance everything, on the one hand we do the wrong thing and someone else benefits, or we do the right thing and someone wants to take our enjoyment off us when we are happy with what we have done.

You work hard for your livelihood as well as me, but someone is taking a slice of the pie and setting all the action for themselves while another sits and things about how great life is with all they have done. Why care at all why even bother to write a page on it, when someone else gets all the benefit. The fact is that it is simply good to be alive and that caring is a way to show you love God for the gift.