For The Love Of Babies

The window of opportunity for a woman to have a baby naturally is only about 30 years from 13 years of age to 43. It is truly a beautiful and wonderful thing to bring a baby into the world, with a hope of new life, learning and new ideas that each one person can make a different to. Females and mothers in particular have a natural affiliation with their children and babies especially. Whist babies and children to a certain degree are totally dependent on their parents and mothers in particular.

We should not try and breed babies for our own selfish endeavours and greed the very air they share. A baby is so helpless and peaceful, looking and living like they are in a heavenly state of mind with their pure, unexposed and innocent thoughts, only thinking of whether they are hungry or need their next bottle of milk. These days IVF clinics pay a big part in the rationalisation of a baby coming into the world with assessments on whether the parents can support a child for 20 years of upbringing and the suitable means of accommodation, education and general wisdom of the economics of the household. Babies should not come into the world by chance or illegitimate ways, through casual sex after a night club exploit or just the lust of young teenagers at school in higher years.

A family needs to be well thought through and plans and implementations for financial arrangements and teaching and caring for the children's futures, through family planning centers and councilors. for the love of babies does not mean that we can just out into the community looking for casual sex without any restraint or thoughts for the possible conception of a child, without giving it any thought due respect and consideration of the child's future and all the possible needs and requirements for the child's future and all the possible needs and requirements for the child's upbringing and safety. This indeed is the importance of the matter and situation and not the simple joy and pleasure of lustful casual sex and adulterous affairs.