Change And Rules Of The Family

The foundation and ground rules of a loving family is a place where children can grow up and be safe and secure under the guiding care of the parents through all aspects and stages of life until separation from the parents to marry as a new and loving family of and for the children themselves. A right and rigid outlook and perspective gives the form foundation of the family managing to survive. Under the circumstances where the family breaks down, the children go into suffering the continual repercussions of disfunctionalism. When rules and guiding laws are marinated and observed the family has a greater chance of maintaining order and hence forth the greater unity of the family unit.

Through all stages of the children's lives, from being burn as a baby, to becoming a toddler and then right through to the teenage years and then adult hood, the parents of the family unit are obliged and expected to support the loving relationship of the family unit. Once adolescence is complete and the maturity of the children leave the parents home to start their own family as parents and then and henceforth continue the cycle down the generations to grandparents and great parents then the family has proven that it has worked unless an accidental death takes part or the foundation ground rules are broken and ill health or degenerative behavior takes place and brakes up the beautiful loving relationship of the family unit and the deterioration of generative behavior takes place and through old age leads to individual death while leaving a loving legacy of the family relationship unit as a trust and inheritance.