Natural Phenonemon

Natural phenomena as the reality or the tangible object of reality is now very focused and right before our eyes. We need to see and grasp the plitical pricture of ecology and environment to fully grasp and understand the representation of the reality for the description of our needs and requirements. In doing this we are being able to focus on the picture and then facilitate the developement of requirements for the preservation of endangered species and awareness of sysmic attentiveness in all of its beauty and dangers in the view of magnificant mountain ranges and ever flowing rivers and geophysical lakes to unlogically try and control the situation. Just as we can be awestruck and overwhelmed by towering giants of mountain ranges, so to do we stand in wonderment of there developement, as if by the mighty force of nature they were thrust into existance and their grandeur and splendour is so wonderful that we can't help but stand in awe of the overall and everpresent picture of natures beauty. This natural phenomena of nature and all its splendour is still more overwhelming and awestriking in its total vison and sight through encorporation of restrictive disciplines, though with positve future recognition of advancements. We stand amazed and bedazzeled by natrures wonders and natural phenomena is often to beautiful to explain except that an organised mind or concept developer thought it into being as someone we might call God or the all mighty creator. But is this natural phenomena and do we have to question why things come into existance in the first place except to explain to ourselves in some kind of logical undersatanding what has happened and how and when we should start to believe that whole awe inspiring story of the beginning of everything. It is best if we stand back and admire it all rather than try to hard to reflect of the whys as if the natural beauty is wise enough for our mortal minds and bodies to understand, savey or comprehend. Leave it to God if you ask me, why mother nature creates everything is beyond my understanding, things came into being and explaining everything is better to remain as undersatding and appreciating as phenomena.If it was and existed before our time we have to be content to be satisfied that its pre-existance is the fullfilling answer to the question of how, why and when and leave it at that. Though our incomplete minds require understanding and natural explanations of phenomena are never really completely fullfilling and satisfying in design and replication.So ours is not to question why, ours is but to do or die, which sums up the necessary discription of the end of the story quite nicely or succinctly, sit on your hands and except everything as done is to ask for our early retirement or death. Not to worry further about death but in accpeting that the mountain rises does not tell us why the valley sinks, or does it, do they go hand in hand? So as we try to ponder further the wonders of natural phenomena al we seem to end up doing is to be going around in circles, we know that what goes up must come down but to explain it all as gravitational force does not really explain life and cell structure for growing, we constantly fight against nature. To accept the no - know go zone and that everything has a limit is both self defeting and deflating but still we try to answer everything to satisfy the nature of our curiosity. God has all the answers in my book, so I end the story there of my questioning natural phenomena with him, perhaps in time He will reveal all the answers we need to know to us or has He allready done that through other people and there is nothing left to discuss. Maybe it all is just an evolutionary expository of life, time and space.