Believe In Understanding

Believe in undersatnding if you dare to care or wish to succeed. If you want to achieve your every desired goal and plan and if you want to complete projects and applications of understanding and inspiration from creative design. Most people find that they feel secure if they can understand meaning and devleope purpose in there life. If they have a clear goal and path to aim for and take and if they can comprehend what they need to do to find satisfaction and a reasonable explanation for why they are doing things and what they are about. In other words we all need direction and orientation, this comes about by seeking purpose and understanding and riding out the good times as well as the bad weather to achieve desired results and results from tasks and applications of procedure. If you can continually put yourself in the picture of what life is about by adjusting tot he times and reality of the given set of circumstances and situations then you can see clearer what way you should head and how to achieve desired goals and plans. We all become pragmatic to often and stail when we have stagnent ideas, we need to search and look for change and readily accept it as it arises. We can tend to be antagonistic with our own introverted personalities, saying why on';t this go my way or how can I possibly do that and achieve something when the task seems far to hard. Instead in those cases we should be looking for an easy way around the problem obstacle and going for broke whe we see a bit of daylight ahead and aim high to achieve the possible from what seems potentially impossible. Remember there is always a way around the whole situation and God is always bigger than our problems. Look out and not in, up and not down and focus on others rather than yourself when you are down hearted. The thing with people is that unless we understand oursleves we have trouble understanding others but that is indeed the very way to sort things out by bouncing your problems off other people so that we can see clearly how to handle the situation. We have to take life as it is and sometimes we can't do anything about our own situation, but have to readily accept the way things are as in time and a change of places things will evolve and be different at other times and situations. If we learn to believe, then we are half way to sovling the problems of the world and our universe. We are not here alone and should never act like we are. Interelationship and dealing with people is the key to understanding. Sometimes we need some personal time and space to gather our thoughts though and slowly and surely, methodicallly work our way through the situation to handle the problem with logic and purpose for secure understanding of the reasons we are doing these things. No man is an island and while we seem to be surounded by water sometimes and our ship apparantly sinking, we need to bail out and get on with life in another place and time, by changing tact and direction to navigate out of the storm and to find greener pastures and a safe land mass to build and base a life upon. God is a rock and a sure foundation and it always helps to start with Him and once you have found peace from God learn how to develope character and personality in order to achieve personal goals and accomplish and fullfil other aims and ambitions from your own resources. God will be there all the time when things get tough and difficult again and when you see that obstacle, don't hesitate to call on Him, he is sometimes your only help and way out. Work hard and keep up the idea of where your niche and skills lie and focus on what you can do rather than what you can't, with pupose and planning you will succeed by believing and understanding who you are and what you are or were meant to be.