Law Of Linking

The systematic design is nutured by the law of linking in that while in digestive form of composition we gather and associate like ideas to link via a common denomonator of the law to its linking. The two juxaposed projections combine to fornmulate the new composition of emerging ideas and that while the formualtion takes place the law of linking is working to seek the common denominater in order to complete the association process. This combination or linking of associated ideas forms and naturalizes the law of linking into a positive reinforced and usable formula for convenience application. Once we have the desired product of the law of linking we can apply the saleable potential to the normal application of associated linking and produce a profit from the law of linkings natural phenomena. It is like combining a racing car with a touring car, we end up with a more streamline machine to get around in and while perfiormance is enhanced by technology, what we with have is the economy of wisdom with a look of superiority. So to can people apply this to their own lives in that while a personality is formed when appliying the law of linking with two people we have the product of a baby with the associated and desired genes of the two parents. One person can adopt or apply this to themselves by using cognitive thinking to associate like matters and therefore apply the law of linking to the creative impression and attain the desired outcome. It is a bit like associating fashion with peronality, each persons creative gene buys or chooses their own typical idenity in attire and clothes themself in the desired apparel of their individual choice. This is what makes the person individual by aquiring the desired taste in clothes to suit and match their own distinctive personality. Just as much as the product must be profitable, free choice is the distinctive right and perogative of the person choosing. As in the way we mix and match colours and styles, so to do we interelate indiividual choice and taste. It is this interelationship that formulates the law of linking and through concept engineering, to formulate the desired taste and effect of individuality. Once again the law of linking is seeking to replicate itself into other areas of desired design and through peoples individual choice and fashion taste and style introduce the law of linking to the cosmic world of creativity. That in design and manufacturing produce that new concept or design of originality that relfects the portrayal of indivdualism and applies it into a persons unique personality development. So it is through this that the law of linking is manufacturing itself in the world of design and creation, in that the person can reflect on the individual design and application of the purchase into their wardrobe of individual personality through the design creation. It is also fair to say that this concept of the law of linking can be organic as well as communicative in its leadership. It is also fair to say that the uniqueness of creation is in its practical application and is positive to the design replication. For the time being we will settle and humble creation to the design technique, but not alleviate the consequences of profitability, as this natural selection of replication, once more demonstartes its uniqueness in design technique. So there we have the finished product of the law of linking as we have made available a commericailly marketable product from the combination of personality and individual taste to the new and created, whole person.