The Mind Conceives

The mind concieves what the heart will believe or at least that is the line of thought that I am directing at here.The idea is, that what we think needs to be brought into the light and exposed to prove rationality and realism for the truth in the matter, for what it is that, the concieved idea. Rationality is the way we make the meaning transpire from conception into the real time game play of concieved thought for processing and dealing with by handling its rationality. So therefore the idea of rationality is what has transpired in thought from the drawing board of the minds conception to the playing field of real life and enterprise. Birthing any idea is a hard core way of concieving thought for rationality and exposure for extrapilation and exploitation with a reserved conscience at stake. But the hard core facts of free enterprise allow us that liberty, to use the concept idea once it is put to ground for purpose. Anything that goes into the head can come out for productive use and the mind concieves all these things in many shapes, forms and ways. Making an idea productive is the key to success when using the minds conceptions to achieve business relations and affiliations. So once the mind concieves it is a matter of applying it to real life situations and applications. This is now the concieved idea from extrapolation and to input it into practical application the mind needs to digest the thought and put it down in writing to have a physical record of the concieved idea for other people to see and understand its use. While it can also be verbally used and discussed for rightness and thorough aplication purposes and through this for refinement and application. So now we have another new product for the practical application of the concieved idea.Utilizing this is another process of developement and transpiration from conceiving to production line and point of sale material.The organisational mind concieves these ideas to give them birth into the real world and through clever marketing and successful advertising we have an equitable and highly saleable product.This is somewhat further down the path of enlightmenment from the original birthing of the conceived idea but now we have the finished product of saleable material. Just as equity can mean more financial return for a saleable product through investment and achievement of sales objectives so to does the saleable product redeem itself in profit.So the mind has conceived and the heart has achieved and what we have believed is the finished product of equitable and saleable product for achievement of profit results. We have a highly marketable product and all it needs now is exposure to the public for sales and turnover to reap the rewards of the return results of what the mind believed and heart achieved from the original conception. It is a further need to harp on marketing once again as it is only in the application of applying polish to the finished product that we are able to achieve the hightly desired and sort after finished results. Then now we are all really ready as we have achieved something and then there is a need to do the same thing all over again with a new product and start again form square one with the same principles of conception and application. Thankyou God for giving birth to this process and idea conception and you are the one who creates all the inspiration for writing, you will be given the glory and the credit for all the achievement, for if we had not believed in you there would have been no new concieving and believing for achieving. You are wondeful and the allmighty creator, you get all the thanks and credit.