It All Takes Time

In the process of things and the concern of life, it all takes time to get things done and obtain what you require. It takes time to work and the earn money, it takes time to make things and achieve results and the thing of it is that longetivity is the gift of time and while you try and earn money your body works and time is really the end result that you are trying to attain. Without time you have no life and money is immaterial to you if you are dead. The thing is you work to eat and live survive and money is only a transetory thing that comes along the way as a means of paying and obtaining some enjoyment through your efforts that you make. Time is of the esence to a hrad worker, but enjoyment and relaxation will pass you by if you dont take time to rest and recover from all your hard work. It is about health and happiness as much as having money in the bank and because it all takes time, what you have accumulated over the years is a way to help you hold onto the balance of power in your own endeavours to learn, travel and keep what you have got. We try to hold on to everything, but time gets us all in the end, we have to make sure that we live safe and sercure lifestyles and that is hard work in the very process of trying to do so. The process of evolution took time and will take time in the future as the world turns and continues to evolve. Nothing stays the same forever and everything and everyone will change in time. The good news is, that the smarter we are in maintaining law and order and a right sense of living standards in moral ethics, the longer we will live as a community and group of people who are untited and stand together in their common beliefs. We must preserve the sanctity of life at whatever the cost, that our work efforts are not invane. We must aim for the higher level of living conditions and not turn back to our old ways of going our own way instead of working together for the betterment of all concerned.The right way is the long way and the quick and easy pays well and hard, but is easily frittered away and wasted in being lost on unwanted or unhealthy things. Only what you do for good will last and the more you continue to travel the road as right and safe, the longer you will be able to contribute back to the society that helped to give that to you. It all takes time and it all counts along the way, if in the long run if it does not go by the wayside and isn't lost in some selfish endeavour for personel gain. A little bit at a time, is the way to do it and go in the long term plan. With evolution, the world is continuing to be getting older, but the earth was here a lot longer before, than when man began.Time is at hand and only if we grasp hold of its meanings and purposes, money comes in good time and there is not a rush hour where everbody goes to the ATM at the same time. Each of us must try our best to do what we can in the right way, at the right time and for the right reasons, there is no sense in not having a right purpose and achieving the right and desired goals of longtevity. We have to become conditioned to only do what is right and not matter how hard or easy the left looks at trying to get away with whatever you can, the right must win in the end because people will still be here after you have gone and failed miserably, in some jail to rot away for your full sentence or worse still, the morgue or cemetary where you will be long forgotton. We have to look to life for what is right and not follow the worng ways of trickery and cheating. There is not quick fix answers to anything and mistakes all take time to be fixed and heal, we have to try to get it right the first time around and through. We don't get too many second chances when we stuff things up.There is grace for those who care and believe but those atributes are becoming short and far between to be believed in these days.They are right and are the long term proved methods of doing things correctly. Believe and achieve and remember that it all takes time, so be patient and wait if you are in doubt, instead of rushing into a wrong decision.