The Ground Work

The ground work is formost relative to functional behaviour, both feet firmly planted and then one foot at a time in a logical forward motion to accomplish the goals, plans and ideas that you have in mind. First though we must make sure that we are grounded in the truth and going straight along the path, only to digress to a tangibly opposed idea that still fits in with the original design and plan. In formualting structure of design procedure we must follow key set out ideas and introduce new ideas as they arise, but only if they are positive, complementary and constitutionly inline with good government and prosperous business. The botom line is usually money, but with the procedure in implementing structure for business and government we need the right and correct ground work, to continue, function and focus on the objectives laid out and put in place for pursuing. Gradual derision of ideas is carefully sought after plans and some progess is made to continue online and true to oneself and the ideaological behaviors of right thinking. Then as work is getting and being done, stay congruent and continually motivated to perform and address the process of the following formulations. The ground work is the criteria, which starts right from the beginning, which flows and formulates right through things as they manifest and progess along the lines of continual formulation. The ground work must be rock solid and structurally right to survive the long term duration of process manifestation. Structural analysis is the strategy and formualtion of assessing work progress as business ideas arise and they must be done in order to continue making future advancement. Once we have got rigid controls in place, then it is just a matter of necessity of continuing to follow up and observe behaviour, as procedure is made and progress has been implemented. The continual ongoing pursual of work ethics is in the right mind of construction and therefore formualtion is gradually adhered to in accordance with right minded thinking of implementation. First though we must stay true to the initial ground work of construction and only by following the rules of behaviour allow ourselves to move forward in right minded progess and thinking with positive reinforcement for advancing construction. The ground work, like the ground rules must be manifested in right behaviour and any diversity or digression must be considered firmly as in context to be right, before changing to any wayward or off track idealogicies. As progress is being made and implemented in right minded procedure we have moved from the basic ground work to an advanced positon and should therefore now consolidate and secure advacncement as it has been implemented. This stance must be held and maintained long term and changes may only come about when there is complete reassureance that a better plan may be implemented, otherwise leave things as well alone. The wise behaviour of leaving things that work out best as they are, is good judgement and highly needed to be recognised as the right way to go and to do things and then leave things to stay in place as adopted right and required procedure. This manifestation of grace is the the best way to do business, as we can only proceed while things work and that must be congruent with right minded thinking. The ground work is the structual analysis of doing good business and making sense out of right minded idealogies.