Fundamental Structure

Every writing concept has a fundamental structure in its format as the idea is worked and evolved down the page. There is also a logical continuity to the writing procedure which must be followed to create relevance in the train of thought and the chain of ideas as they formualte and change in turn down the page. As well we must also consider the written dialogue of sentence patterning and formatting as the structure of the line and paragraph come into place and advance in being for the design and principle of the procedure. The new ideas created are just that, new and inovative and we must spend time on critical analysis to understand and appreciate the advanced version of the new work. Adding to original ideas needs a requirement to be accurate in any advancement and changes as we use principles that are trusted, tried and proved in the progression of work as it evolves. Sentence structure as it comes about must be carefully thought out and follow a logical context of design in its continuity and be flowing and digestive as it works its way through the paragraph and down the page. Striking balance and harmony should be considered as routine behaviour and any digression from the main topic, sort of tabou and try to be avoided of. Though there are some interesting examples of diverce engineering of thought from different contexts that when used as a parralel reference, can add meaning and preference to the continuity. This relationship of similar ideas and concepts being combined and united, is what brings creativity and newness of thought when there is a corelation of thought being adapted and is used in congruent format. For now though we will stick to the basic principles of creation and design from a logical format for factual and continuitous reference in thought and ideas. Fundamental structure is the flowing of words in logical context down the page, supported by logical arguement in sentence structure and destined to be produced in a design criteria that supports common thought and relateable conguence of ideas. The English language is a very versatile thing with many applications that you can adapt from and use in your creative text. Metaphors, similies, contemporary colloquial and many other sentence structures that help make the writing more interesting. Applying them to your structure is easy but not all of them are subject to being fundamental. Fundamental implies or implicates basic text of truths and facts, they can be very boring or interesting, depending on how we use them and that is why we use and add inserts of creative text and writing to help us learn to love our reading work more. The fundamental structure of sentence writing is subject to availability of interest and fresh ideas, which when we become tired, we become less interested and less interesting. Resting to be well thought out and sharp or highly explanetary in your creative writing is very important. Just as we take the product of writing to the commercial world for reading, the content needs to be highly interesting and enjoyable to read. If we stuck to just fundamentals all the time we would have a valuable piece or literature for its content worth, but that may be boring and uninteresting to read. Again it depends on the type of document being produced and for the bulding industry we are completely different to a divorce law case. Poetry, novels and most nonfiction all vary and differentiate in meaning, subject matter, style and interest, so for me, we have to stick to being creative with a few fundamental truths to try to be interesting and easily read.