The Second Order

The second order is what we need after money, we know everyone needs money first to live in estabishing food, clothes and shelter, but you also need enough time to get everything done in your day as much as you do in your lifetime. Just because there are twenty four hours in the day does not mean that you have to get everything done at once as as we all know our bodies must rest to function and perform duties well rightly and correctly while maintaining a logically organised sense of achievement in doing things. Time is the second order but a lot of people put it as a priority these days as you simply cant make more money than anybody else by being fair and square the whole time, even if that is the objective idea. People cheat and are corrupt to get what they want before other people and taking time out to organise priortities is a good way of making sure that you stay safe and secure in the logical process of getting work done. You don't have to be first at everything to live long enough and to have enough money.Money is not life in itself, it is a means of obtaining something what you want in the long and slow progession of everything and is something that everybody needs just a little each of to get something that you want or need.Like time, money is an essential commodity but being greedy or selfish to excessive levels leads to immorality and corruption. We should try to take time out for ourselves to remain healthy and comfiortable in our lifestyle dispositions. Luxury items are a want and not a need and we have to be especially careful about how much we indulge ourselves in obataining whatever we can at any cost, self denial is a good principle in exercising control over our own lives to allow for someone else to gain a bit or get a head as well as we all need each other to talk to and help us stay sane in the process of doing life together. Time may well be the scecond prder or priority if you like, but money will drive you around the bend if you let is and staying sane by focusing on other priorities, like time is healthy and makes good sense. Rome as not built in a day, as many a wise man has coined the phrase and that means having enough time to get the job done, is as important as rushing through with extra people to finish the job early and ahead of schedule. By taking time we are making sure that the job is done properly and will stand the test of time for the long term. Really there are three priorities that we simply must have in life to sustain life, air, water and thirdly food. Clothes are the first luxury item but essential these days of cource. If you have these things first then you have a good to better than average chance of survival. It may seem obvious to point these things out as basic as they are, but all too often these days we have become too focused on having the best house and latest model car. Those things will come in time but let us not foget that we have to work for and earn everything we get. There are no handouts, except for the completely destitute. Giving out of the abundance is also a pretty good idea to as the best way to help yourself is to help somebody else first. Remembering the gift of life from God as really what should be our first priority and then you can pick whether you want money or need time next. Stay focused on priorities that is the key, first second and third are really just the logical supply down the life chain, as we all need to live above all else and the world must go around to each of us.