Continuity Evolved

Through this chapter of Evolving Continuity we have seen continuity evolve, from the lonely state of disrepair to a respectful position of advancement in the intellectual circles. It is true that what comes around, goes around and that the world keeps turning for a purpose and reason. You can't say, stop the world I want to get off, as it will keep turning whether you or I like it or not. The earth is a permanet fixture that is here to stay and so you all have better get use to it. While we are on this planet in opur lonely existance we have to make the best of what we have got, being good stewards of what we have and work to save and preserve all that we can to make things last as long as they can. The job is not over yet and all our private shemes for selfish gain have to fit into the overall picture of how long we can make the earth last. Because we are selfish Devils we could destroy this planet within a few years, but what good would that do everyone. If surpose you set off 500 atomic bombs in strategically placed positions we all could be dead within minutes. As you may well agree, there is no point in doing that. We have to use our brains for longetivity and we have to act environmentally to stabilize and neutralize the negative effects of human behaviour and prelong the earths ecosystems for however long that indefinite period is. Life is valuable in all its sizes, shapes and forms, from micro-organisms to rare plant and fish species, to all the animals that are near the point of extinction. Here we have created a working model for self preservation and we all need to follow the working model of sustaining life in all its sizes, shapes and forms. From a literary point of view we have manage the custodianship of our own souls. We must act and behave intelligently and let that example flow out and be portrayed in the way we live to show others our aptitude for learning and uniqueness in understanding. We have created a role model for our existance and we must be careful to nurture and apply the conditions of law in our behaviour. Ethics and morality are the central key to longetivity and our understanding in those areas must deepen and expand to suit changing and adjustable conditions elsewhere as they arise. What we do today is here for us tomorrow or as my mother use to say what you eat today, walks and talks tomorrow. We make our own beds so that we can and have to lie in them and no matter what the outcome of the circumstances we create and derive for ourselves, we have to live with the results and effects of our actions and doings. We must consider others as well or more important than ourselves as it is in freindship and servanthood that we share with others, that there is sight and vison uniqueness of other peoples gifts and attractions as well. Next time you want to go to the shops with your money in your pocket, spare a thought for the person that made and supplied that article or thing that you wish to purchase, say thanks to the sales assistant and then on your own new merry way with that item that you have attained or aquired. In this chapter we have seen systems change and improve, evokve and circulate around and through the scope of learning, we have seen the picture of uniqueness portrayed and set up as an example to be apreciated and followed as is relevantly required, We have seen life samples of creativity and the undrerstanding of leadership which over the years has developed and expanding through the gift of learning and appreciative undertsanding. Well at this stage, you could just about tie it all up and put it in a box with a ribbon and a bow and say thnaks very much, here is the gift you gave me to be given back to you. As a token of appreciation of the work efforts, we have all played a part in this the contribution to the facts of life and set and shown the iniative to learning what life is all really about. I hope that you might have seen it a little bit this way anyhow as together we take on the challenge and the task of writing the next chapter of our history and factual existence. From what was evolving continuity, the continuity has evolved into a more logical and modern format of writtwen dialogue for discussion. I say dissarm all neuclear bombs and sanctify and preserve all life at all costs.