Making More Sense

The logic in creativity is really about meaning and making sense. Making sense is the critical consideration in writing and the logical formating of the written work, must be constructed and depicted to make sense, or else the meaning fails to apply itself and be objective in giving a description of the portrayed idea. Making more sense as time goes by is indeed increasingly more meaningful and beautiful in the outflowing story of wonderful consideration. Just as God paints the picture of life as a vision of heaven and splendour, so to does the Devil entice us to go to hell and live with him in torment and confusion. So making sense and refusing to follow the scheming delights of His deception is awefully crucial to your happiness and well being and therefore following God and not the Devil and going to heaven istead of hell. This tropical utopia of paradise is an unselfish endeavour in the knowledge of the information world for lovely things and changing weather. Then it is whether you are apart of it and seductively enticed or you make the necessary restraints and denials and refuse to be blackmailed, tempted and completely obliterated. The world has many attractions of which we can easily allow ourselves to be lead by, but there is a hard and narrow road to eternal life which leads to abundance and infinite time. We have to be careful which road to travel and watch attentively, so that we are conclusively assured that God holds the reign and keys to abundant life and all the treasures of heaven. The more that you look at the meaning of life the more you realize that life has to make sense and the secret assurance, that you are entering God's kingdom and not the Devil's realm. Just like reading the news paper to find out what happened the day before and you see some of the horrible realities of life and the devestation of natures helm. As well as the blessing of a child being born into The Royal Family or something and just like what our own homes are being encouraged to be like by advertising, to decorate and improve in the qualities of new technology. We should take it all like a pinch of salt and get on with what really matters and that is the people we care about. If you have started to see a bit clearer in the world as you experience it, as the portrait is painted by me in written words of descriptive explanation for you to visualize the possible new reality of the concept in your own mind. Don't just give into fait, but positively believe and learn to love and have faith in the goodness of God. It is always better to clean the lenses of your glasses before you try to read anything for more meaning and then to make sense out of what is written and remember what your eyes see, as that is worth trying to retain in the sight of discerment. Get the picture clear in your own mind, that God is good and that makes sense. The more you make sense out of words, the more you mean to other people in convincing them to buy your product or at least listen to reason in what you are saying. You won't make money out of mincing words and the best hope that you can have is to be at peace with all others at any given time. Stay encouraged and enthused to be self motivated as your own reassurance of being accepted and finding enjoyment in life. God knows what you need and it is only a matter of turning to Him to find out what that is exactly. Being loved by God is worth more than all the money in the world if you just stay on the straight road to life and don't deviate into oblivion. Put yourself in the picture as well by listening to reason, excepting critiscism and learning to be understanding and patient. Achknowledging others first is the best step to being understood by others, in what is the right way to live your life. It is always fair to assure oursleves that life makes sense, if we try to make sense out of it to.