Imaginative Thought

Many a quest was taken to discover what it was that those knights were seeking, truth, honour, dignity, chivalry, galantry and maidens. But the knowledge of imaginative thought was hard to conceive in those times. Today we have cars that drive you around without touching the wheel, computers with internet speed as qiuick as the speed of light nearly. There are many a thing that mankind has developed over the years to life easier and more comfortanble for himself, but has that detracted form the basic principles of life in doing the right thing by ones fellow neighbour like our freinds the knights did. A lot of the time they would die for their cause and to say the least you cannot be more honourable than that, can you? We take it upon ourselves to think thoughts of wisdom and creation to reflect on the grandeur of nature and everything else that we are given but seem to want to take for granted. That is just one more reason to be imaginative and  dwell on such admirable things as the latest time saving device and anything that will make life that little bit more entertaining for our enjoyment. Isn't life wonderful that we can all do that or have we forgotton the basic kindness and goodness of the creator God, who gave us such a brilliant mind to concieve all these nice new things. Maybe the old was better than the new! Maybe we are better off with ten years experience than tens years of technological advancement. Maybe we should combine the 20 years of history and future developement to imagine more wonderful new things and while the past drifts silently away in timeless neverland, a new door opens up for us to discover and unlock into a world of what seems like endless possibilities of imaginative thought for expliotation and capitalist thinking and clever utilization of for nearly any concieveable new thing under the sun. I guess I have drifted far enough from the original idea of the concept of imaginative thinking and that it is nearly always used for good and not evil, juggling bank accounts for the new car and house, etc. The good has far more useful possible situations and horizons than robbing Peter to pay Paul you know. Combining our thoughts for communal use is a far better way to spend energy on imagining things, where by the new product, once conceived is designed and mass produced to make a sample available to each one of us through manufacturing. This is the physical advantage of imagination and all the thought that has gone into that for each forceeable product over the years is endless, the sky is the limit or so it seems so far. Rockets can't quite get to other planets yet and land and maybe our human and earthly rsources are finite and really that is all we have and will ever have, but is that where using inaginative thought comes in. I guess that as time goes by and even a soon as a hundred years in the future I may have to eat my words on that when we are soaring out into space and into other galaxies a century from now. That is another case for imaginative thought, you just can't sit down and let the world pass you by without daring to do a little dreaming or two. Maybe heaven is on another planet somewhere in the universe, because sometimes it seems very hard to imagine it on earth. Above the sky somewhere in the atmoshpere, is that the heaven we all want and need to aquire. Like The Wizard Of Oz, that we want to keep being reminding of, for us to address it like that, somewhere over the rainbow skies are blue and so on. Maybe it is in your heart or head and you just need to imagine it there, to experience all the joy and peace you have ever wanted. I don't know, I will leave that to your imagiantive thought and while we all seemed to be more concerned with putting money in the bank and live to a ripe old age for our healthy retirement package and watch TV all day. Not for me my work is to do the fathers will. That will be and remain my imaginative thought and I hope to end up in the paradise of utopia when I reach 500 years old. If that is possible I want to try. We all need the money to do that every day though, In a real world with the average wages $500 a week or there abouts world wide. That may be the top ten percent, but my figure in this lucky country is around that and I am poor considerably to others here. May be we just have to settle for our next holiday to relax, I once again will leave that up to your imaginative heavenly thinking of thoughts. God Bless. Darel.