Organisational Mind

The organisational mind is the foundation of intellectual thought, that through logical thinking can also create and manifest to bridge the gap of collective thought and concept creation of ideas.Thinking thought in a logical and rational format seeks to link the concept of ideas with the organizational mind. We seek to link and harmonize rationalization for organised thought that we have concieved as a logical framework, then through thinking with further rationality we have produced the organizational idea of a natural thought process of mind which when stilled and collected is productive. It is enhanced for utilization in working out the heavenly status and that developes to and is a peaceful existance. The organisational minds whole purpose is for this peaceful existance as long as it can function and work in an aware state and rational conceptuality of thinking. There is also a further need to be able to stay alert to emergency situations and postitons of threat to health or well being in the forms of dangerous situations. Then one must quickly adapt to avert and avoid. Nevertheless this peaceful state of the evolved organisational mind of thought processing has harnessed a new and useable state of mind that through advancement of harmony we also have a technological modernization of rational thought for peaceful utilization. The purpose of using the mind for work is simply an intellectual capacity of utilization and must be transacted to be harmonized in utilization. By staying calm and peaceful we are not essentially using the organisational mind for thought, but when the time comes to react to a given situation, the rationalization takes over and the thought is produced to handle emergency situations, even if they just recquire clever managing to detract from the negativity of the evil to avoid the trouble and problematic behaviour. This mental activity is used to rationalize and harmonise the physical situation and once under control the organisational mind takes over once again to harmonise to the spiritual circumstances conguently. By spiritual circumstances I am saying that they are the purpose of heaven and peaceful existance and whilst some deviation from the rationalization has occurred we still need to harmonise again to serve the organisational behaviour. The mind has the power to control nearly any given situation and whilst using that to enhance reality, it is still necessary to harmonize the mind to peacefuil existance into organisational ability and thinking once again. Organizational thinking is to use the mind for serviceability and through this type of thinking to work toward the ultimate purpose of utopian heavenly existance of peaceful thought. This may require more or less effort than we think and that to sit back on one's hands and say job well done is too preliminary to exist on a long term basis. However as we see the need to make the correction in logical thinking for harmonization and advancement, we take one situation at a time and handle it logically to make the given situation work for peaceful harmony. This position of further rationality is the advancement of the kingdom of God and heaven that we are seeking but must be carefiul to refine and to add to the quality of the given situation for a more purposeful and peaceful position in society. So there we have it, the organisational mind is in the postiton of peace and harmoney and we can only further use this in advancement through the modernaization of existance to the place of continual harmony. This is the place of perfect peace and the organisational mind is evolved and developed for that pupoese alone, that through rationalization of the heavenly state in the work process of getting to harmonization through logical thought, that we have achieved our objective.