Let Go, Let Do

You might have heard it dais, let go and let God, well I am saying let go and let do. As in once you have done all the work in putting down in writing your thoughts and opinions, get out there and do something for sombody else. You can't do everything yourself and when you have been trusted in your writings let it go for someone else to use and beneifit by and of, let it go out there into the world, for other people to do and act upon what has been lead. Leading by setting an example, or just putting yourself out there to be recognised is to no real personal value unless you have proven that you were right and that your writings have been thoroughly tested. Arguing the case simply for point of fact does not deserve recognition, but when a major contirbution to the writing world or political socio economic world is made, then people deserve the right to achknowledge the credibility or reject it. Being egotistical is self defeting and no-one will read a maniacal idiot and so establishing credibility is crucially important. Being recognised in the writing world depends on your factual evidence, your dialogue and discussion in the explanation and description of the writing. Then it is how sure you are about the facts and points that you are trying to put across or argue about in order for what you are trying to say to be recognised and achieve something of substantial worth. You have to have tried and true practiced and proven facts and not circumstantial evidence. All considerations must rely and depend heavily on the truth. Having said that, it is no good keeping all of your work to yourself, you have nothing to gain by your own achievement and it is only when you make a positive contribution to other people that you can make any difference or impact on the world. Once again, once you have done that let it go, let it fly around and circulate out there in the wide and broad world beyond. Information is only good, if it has a relativity to sombody else. All the knowledge in the world won't save you from yourself, but when propperly dialogued and displayed you can change and have a major impact on the world to and through other people. Writing is just a literal form of oral communication and it has no real value unless somebody else can use it to their advantage. So what I am trying to say is let it go and let other people do what they like with your work. Whether it has any monetarial value or not is immaterial, what matters is your positive contribution back into society. Sure you have to eat and through the years of experience you would have had to make pretty sure that you can do that. Writing is definitely that, food for thought and the worker is worth their pay and food. So don't worry about the accumulation of massive personal posessions, they come with the job if your are careful and prayerful. What matters is distrubution and circulation of the work, that comes by letting go and letting other people do what they like with it. Don't accept destructive criticism without substantiation and evidence but to try to encourage people to see the work in the true light and how you or God would want to have the visual evidence portrayed or projected. Let go and let do, it is not that hard really, let go and let God would be the first preference in doing things as you have to trust in His discression with everything you do, but give people the chance and the credibility they deserve in handling matters and affairs. Achknowledge that your own understanding can be inadequate and when you relfect off your ideas into other peoples eyes, you are really allowing self examination. Hope and pray for feedback, but let go of the work and let other people do what they want with it and like. When there is enough consideration and trust in the work by you and them, they will let you go and get on with it in other ways and God will look after you to. It is like saying cast your bread onto many waters and it will come back to you a thousand fold.