Covering Old Turf

I hear people saying, What ever happened to the good old days? or Why are you trying to cover old groud or turf? these are oppossed and total contradictions to each other, but both have there time and place in our world. Memories from the corner of my mind, misty watered coulour memories of the way we were. It seems so good to go back on the past and well on the old times when we did it a certain way and everything worked. Then they bring in all these new ways of doing things and it is hard for old people to learn and so they go back to the old ways of doing things by covering old turf. You can't live in the past all the time, The new ways of doing things are surposedly better and much faster and simpler, more efficient and mainstream in their ideas of thinking. Easier to use, or are they, more high tech or more problems or does it just simply make life easier for us and they suggest in all the advertising campaigns. But does that really help with people who love to do things of the old world and school, who live in the past and they are much happier to do so, like the Amish who don't have cars and televisions and build and make all there houses themslves, with all their own crockery and utentsils out of natural products and resources. Things were better off left alone without all these modern adaptations and new inventions and creations. Ancient Rome was build to last and it has gone down through the centuries just as it was. Don't try and change things just for the sake of change. That is really what covering old turf is really about, but still we do it. We go back on things that have hurt us in the past and try and fix the problem instead of going through things to throw them out and updating everything. What happens is the slow and painful process of learning by our mistakes, which is really the only and best way to do things, but still it is painful. Don't kick a animal (dead or alive) and don't kick someone when they are down, help them get out of the pit, left them up to be with Jesus and He will lead them into a place of healing and restoration.Time heals all hurts and as painful as it can be and seems sometimes, there is always light at the end of the tunnel. We try and dig ourselves out of our own holes instead of letting other people help us, that is away to, for getting the job done a lot quicker. It is still nice to look back on the past, reminisse and well on past loves and beauties, but we have to learn to let go of those memories that are hurting us and move on into a newer, brighter and greener pasture or place to be and live. There is nothing I like better than going back to my childhood days and remembering all the good old times, when things were without worry and stress, when the beauty of naivity was heaven and purety was a ramification of innocent behaviour. But we all move on and sin, we all are more guilty of doing the wrong thing more often now, as each of us gets older, we look for cheaper and faster ways around things and that causes heartache and pain, which are nastier and hurtful. We have to learn to slow down and go back to the old fashioned ways of doing things with ethical behaviour and a moralistic view. Covering old turf maybe just looking back on the past to where we have gone wrong and avoiding those pitfalls and mistakes again. It maybe using those examples to learn from our wrong doings or it just may be learning to leave well alone and getting on with the new and future, positive direction in our life. I will leave those questions up to you to answer. I will say and add though, that you do have to make a choice one way or the other, it is very hard to live in the old world and the new world at the same time. Once again the choice is up to you.