Management Meant Currency

In economic circumstances we experience different trends and changes in the economic cycles of life. Economies have to be balanced and managed and these trends cause and effect changes and fluctuations in the economic stability and value of a countries net worth. Of course the tool for measuring this and valuing it is the dollar. A strong dollar means that you can buy more of another countries products with less resources.

It means that you have economic power and security and that you are running and maintains a stable and healthy government. A weak dollar means that you are struggling to compete with overseas competitors and that you are unable to facilitate the necessary profit in your exports. It does also however meant that you are more attractive to other countries in that they can buy and capitalise of you economic weakness and misfortune which in most ways implies that we are giving our resources away without gaining there full worth and potential gain ability. The dollar therefore is an indicator to your relative position in the economic world.

How Australia relates to America or what restraints and conditions might be applied by the relationship with England and Europe. The dollar therefore gives us the assertive idea on what we should be doing and how we can manage and capitalize on our resources.