Management Meant Reorganising

The fundamental responsibility of management within the organization is to be able to reorganize as appropriately and as often as required. Allowing for and considering all the fundamental changes. The fact that things are meant to be and are usually designed to be changed around means that there is a continual and ongoing reorganization of goods in the management process.

This principle also applies to people, that in an ever changing world in which we live people move from place to place and are affected by environmental economic, and political cycles. Part of the reorganisational process means that management have to be flexible and adaptable to changes that in the turnaround and turnabout processes of these cycles they are equipped to handle them and can adapt and change as needed and required to cope, manage and control the changes, and their adjustment requirements .

The other fact is that management is basically an organisational animal. That through its internal organizational system it recycles reorganizes and re-develops everything anyway, or at least it should if it is going to survive. That the fundamental responsibility then of reorganisational management is to know just when and how to change so that they most advantageous outcome is obtained.