Management Meant Dismissal

It can be a cruel world out there in a city filled with big business organizations. Demand for standards and quality that really depend on our ability to perform and maintain a satisfactory level of achievement. If our turnover is too small we try and go to fast. These factors contribute to the reason for people leaving their company. Dismissal or retrenchment is usually a last resort but like any other negative factor in your business you must be aware that you're company is competing and that is good to maintain stability in the organization. These factors should be harmonious but sometimes conflict arises and that leads to dismissal. In any good human resource department you would want to think that there was hope enough that you're problems could find some kind of resolution.

Of course on the other hand if management doesn't perform they can be terminated too. While management decides their employee's future, customers decide the future of the management. And again a middle level supervisor could look up at management and say they don't like their principles or look down on the staff and say they have no hope and would resign themselves. Gauging work performance or money making ability is very hard and dismissal is usually the result of lack of understanding an inability to judge performance. Sometimes however it is blatantly obvious that a person is doing the wrong thing and is dismissed for that reason.

Dismissal is an awful thing and naturally we try and avoid it but sometimes in our own best interest we are dismissed. Health reasons, retirement or simply satisfied with our own success is enough reason to leave a company. Dismissal is associated with wrong doing, to leave or have left on your own accord is a far better. It's called life.