Management Meant Recruiting

In any organisation we must have good people working for us. We must be able to choose and assess what a person can contribute to our business. What makes one candidate better than another and in the end who will do the job. I choose you I think you can do what I want. If you don't do what I think you can do it is my mistake. It is you're problem if you can't maintain the expectations set out by me and agreed upon by you.

That is to say that if I recruit you to be satisfied that we can meet each other's needs in the business of living. I have to pay you therefore you have to work for your keep. Recruiting is based on an understanding something like this because in the end we have to be able to work together and a successful candidate would be judged and awarded on those points. Maintaining a job is questioned, whether or how long you can keep a job. Why you want to work for this organisation. Where are you heading in your life. If you are recruited will you be happy on a long term basis.

Will I pay you enough money are you're expectations of income above you're achievement ability. For example if I said that prime minister should be paid 1 million dollars a year we would all have to scale ourselves around that figure. Reasonably if you think about, prime minister is the most important job in the country some successful businessmen will make more. But on average most people would be able to use that as a guideline as to how much they think they are worth. If I have enough money I can pay you whatever amount for your services but you still choose whether or not you will accept the job. Management meant recruiting because companies must employ people.