Management Meant Policies

In effect, management are dictated to considerably by government, and make and adjust their internal policies according to government law and obvious safety and productivity reasons. There must maintain a code of ethics and maintain discipline and standards in day to day actualities and procedures not only for their personal satisfaction but for the integration and relationship maintenance and formulation of stability.

Rules are a basic necessity in maintain law and order which inevitably lead to peace, contentment and satisfaction through the disciplines they manifest, demand and require. Like going to lunch on time and only taking you're given hour so that you are back on time, you are setting a rule or regulation which procedures disciplines and respect for a constant and ever changing business reality.

So, to be punctual with appearances and reports, or simply turning off the tap properly to save money. Policies and a regulation for restraint, to keep things in order and running, they formulate the reason for democracy and provide stability by their various requirements and needs which in turn is reflected back into the business or community. We must remember they are fashioned to serve and should not be looked up as annoying regulations.