Management Meant Intuition

In the process of giving knowledge, wisdom and ideas one needs to acquire some sort of formal qualification in order to understand the common grounding and fundamental principles of generally accepted ideas, patterns, history and programs of management activities and the allowable and acceptable ways of obtained and acquiring results.

Institutions are a means and are valuable for this. Whether it be a technical college, business school or university, and institution is a place of rearing or information gathering that slows you to function and acceptable, perform in the workplace. A formal qualification is only recognition of your efforts and contributions to the learning system and scheme. The fact that you are qualified to entire a certain level of job position means that you have ascertained the necessary requirements to do so.

The point of the exercise as not to see how well you scored in exam results but instead how well you grasped and understood what you were learning in order to effectively utilize, recon tribute and interject you're knowledge, or information. The application of your skills is best capatilised on when formally reproduced. Whether imaginatively assessed or proactively founded in rigid thought structure. The institution is a means for attain generally acceptable communications.