Management Meant Intelligence

Intelligence is just a matter of information gathering and retainment. Intelligence is also a level of individual thought which is recognized and produced by the knowledge you acquire and attain. Then it becomes a matter of how you effectively use it can reproduce it in your conversation, notation and thinking. Intelligence a management essential and necessity for the obvious reason that a smart or clever businessman will succeed while a pacifist or one who rests on his laurels will sink.

Intelligence or its utilization is what makes things worthwhile, what gives value to society and what reproduces new and exciting ideas and ventures. The fact that man does not live by bread alone but every word that comes from the mouth of God, is enough to suggest that we are not behavioral animals but meant to be intelligent beings created and fashion into the image of God,. The intellect is our is idea that reasons, assumes and thinks that formulate our need for achievement, self actualization and our ability to desire and love.

Intelligence gives us our understanding to earn and produce an income and leads to the furthermost and advancement of society and its technological innovations. Management means intelligence because basically it's common sense.