Management Meant Spontanuity

Live for the moment, live for the second a lot of the times the best decisions are made on the spare of the moment. Of course nothing can replace a highly structured decision tree or rigid goals and plans. But the quick sale or the additional sale is often made spontaneously. To think that thought, that critical crucial thought that makes or breaks a sale at the right time or the right moment is an absolve necessity in business.

To have that bubbling personality that seems to take everything so lightly yet has massive draw and appeal. The idea of selling or buying something simply because that person enthusiastically tried something is irreplaceable. It can be whimsical, or guess work but usually it is knowledge of the cuff. Saying the right phrase or sentence of the top of your head. Spontaneity is a rare gift it can be impulsive overbearing or even rude. But 9 times out of 10 a spontaneous remark will seal the deal. It's like having a box full of old stock that has been sitting around for a year or so and someone says what's in that box, you don't even open it but say it's yours for a hundred dollars.

Take it or leave t. if they open the box they spoil the deal. If they buy it they are surprised but the value they receive. (Just because it was 100 pairs of wool socks doesn't matter) but the fact is that they acted spontaneously sold dead stock and obtained the cash. Spontaneity should be used wherever possible on any possible occasion.