Management Meant Awareness

In management reaction time and awareness to priorities is essential in making split second decision and making critical areas safe and under control. The origin of understanding lies in the capacity to be aware. In order to know what is going on around you and what is relevant pertinent and important, one must have an ability to react to the situation by his instinct his reason and his agility in assessing and sizing up what's going on.

What's going on around the manager is always his immediate concern. What is planned for the future should be in his subconscious and his experience and expertise is what he calls on from his past. In order to utilise the three directions of time he must be able to analyse and assess his needs so that is physical positioning and guiding eye interact and related in order to perform and govern task setting and job orientations.

The utilization of the awareness factor is what keeps him sharp in the present so that with his past experience and future ideas he governs and leads in the present. Awareness is facilitation of the association of facilities so that by the generation of creativity and production he organises and enables a smooth flowing and profitable operation.