Management Meant Perspiration

On a hot say we perspire just like when we work hard we perspire. Perspiration is the animal vehicle that leads us to getting what we want. It is an avenue or direction for achievement. It is not just the droplets that sweat out of our skins pours, but the effort will power and determination to see things through that some about but diligent effort, careful planning and the follow through of organization designs and procedures. Just as we towel down on a hot day or wash our faces with cold water to rinse the perspiration. So too do we enjoy and revel in the fruits of our labor. Hard work must be counter balances with relaxation and pleasure.

Seeing the things have worked so hard to achieve and taking a breath or two of some of the delights of life's niceties. Yes perspiration is associated with hard work but so are the riches of our labor. Organizations succeed and acquire a surplus when their people work hard and achieve results. I can't keep up with the pace I have to get our and if you can't keep up with the pace you have to find another job as well. If it's good enough for me it's good enough for you attitude is actually a fair foundation into which to base a company on why should my desire to succeed be hindered by someone else's lack of determination or why should you're chances of promotion be hindered by my inability to keep up.

Sure we all have to work at our own pace and what's good for me might be good for you. But really a company is like a big ship where everyone on board is part of the team and all work together to get where the ship is going and usually that requires perspiration for the company to succeed.