Management Meant Persistence

When things get rough and the going gets tough we tend to give up lose hope and forget our goals. But management means persistence. Keeping going in times of despair and continuing when things get hard and not stopping when our goals seem or appear out of range but continually striving onwards and upwards to meet those difficulties and face those challenges and reach those goals. Naturally enough it is normal to have problems and these are overcome by persistence, logical thinking, discipline and patience.

It would be silly to persist to a point where things broke and went wrong due to excessive or overbearing pressure. Instead gentle striving to meet guidelines and deadlines that enable us to finish our jobs. It is a good thing to persist to continually strive for something better, to want to succeed and to win the prize down the line at the end of the road. Therefore managers should and do persist in the daily activities, there short term plans an long term goals so that their achievements will be accomplished and they can sit back and retire one day, and say yes I did this and I did that. Now I can look back on all the things I've accomplished and be glad and satisfied that I persisted to the end.

Fulfilled with the knowledge of satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment that gives self esteem. "yes" managers must persist and yes managers must know their breaking point. But the difference between a successful manager and an unsuccessful manager is whether or not he will give up, whether or not he will take second place and whether or not he is defeated but challenge's persistence leads to winning.