Management Meant Stress

As part and parcel of the daily activities of management they come under a certain amount of vulnerability in the form of stress. Stress is a nasty animal that can eventually lead you into the grave unless you know how to control it and manage it. A certain amount of stress is healthy in that it allows you to stretch you capabilities to maximum performance and you can therefore more productivity exert you're efforts.

To establish and maintain that peak performance one must use stress wisely so as to not break anything while still obtaining the desired results. The problem with stress is that is does usually tent to get the better of us. Pushing too hard, trying to obtain too much. Going past the limit were things begin, to breakdown and snap. Stress must not be ignored instead positively for you. The inevitable result from over stressing is a breakdown and malfunction in all other areas of activities.

The purpose for tress is to obtain that little bit extra but when it abused and misunderstood or not correctly assesses and analyzed then you are only establishing a pit fall and not a structure. If it is correctly adapted and utilized then it is the axis of the stability of your business which therefore enables you to maintain that constant procedure capacity.