Management Meant Equations

Within the guidelines of budgeting and drawing up structures for future monetary and productive ventures. One must be able to consider the different relationships between the potential investments in light of the profit drawing capabilities and their ability to draw, earn and develop interest.

Some of the simple ways of calculating and differentiating the possible contingencies and outcomes is to use a variety of ratios and equations. For example you could do a sales to wages projection to establish you're future requirements for the next six months. The might mean reading profit to increase turnover or balancing you're means markup to facilitate the necessary sales variances at different times of the year.

Alternatively you might consider organizational strength in investing in diverse building facilities. In which case you might centralize a warehouse to distribute to your decentralized outlets. In which case you would need some statistics. On freight consignments and certain turnover so you could adequately calculate you're requirements for trucks, loading and unloading and unloading and the petrol and man hours involved.

Equations are basically simple comparisons of organizational necessity expressed statistically they assist in easy viewing and understanding of direction to make a decision.