Management Meant Rewards

Good things come in many shapes and sizes and one of those good things is the rewards we get out of our occupations and jobs. Rewards need not always be material or monetary but are best found in job satisfaction and results achieved and obtained through our efforts and striving. In most cases we must experience some kind of difficulty or struggle to really obtain and ascertain that reward. It's kind of like not knowing what is good unless you know what is had first.

Desiring rewards is not an advisable idea as rewards are only of some beneficial gain when they are given and received freely. Some people tend to go looking for rewards instead first trying their best to do what they can and being rewarded for their efforts and patience. The fruits of our labor are not always what we can put in our mouth or what keeps the weather off us at night. Or many of the wonderful things and devices that make life simple and easy. Those things sometimes plague us with difficulties and unnecessary stresses. Instead we should be seeking peace of mind and long term securities that when invested properly being us in a far better return.

The niceties of life are certainly worth aiming for but we should not become obsessed with the idea that that is what it is all about. Yes in management productivity is the name of the game and the output of product is important but we must ensure that the quality and standard is there first and this is done by having a right mind set and focus on what is really needed. When we get back and see and say that is what I did I must be proud of my work and feel satisfied that not only am I inspired but I am inspiring someone else.