Management Meant Utilisation

Utilization is about having a sensible approach to managing resources like improvisation, utilisation is using up those bits and pieces that sit around idle and are of no productive value until they are placed somewhere where they can be constructively used for some game. We utilise space, products and people for the furtherment of our advancing society. Products are seldom developed soley for utilization and products that can be utilized usually have a double purpose or secondary value in some way.

Utilization of space usually associated with storage is best understood with compactness and fixturing that goes right to the rood fully maximized but the clever utilization of warehouse area. People are best utilised by being aware of their skills and structuring the systems to suit their abilities to a certain degree. People best interest comes about when management utilize the human resources to fit in with the climate and financial needs of its workers. Utilisation of products is about saving money and is about protecting your investments. Things cost money and like the squeaky wheel gets the most oil.

Products that are utilized properly last longer, live better and have the best life. Utilisation of the system is self defeating where by utilization of a system works well. Systems are designed to be utilized and with computer technology with their programming enable access to the utilisation of integrated systems. Some things are just self defeating and no matter how much we try to utilise them they just break and continue to malfunction. This is the case with people too and usually they just die or are thrown out. Utilization however about the salvage and surviving of dead tools for everything has some value in some way.