Management Meant Motivation

Achievement, power and affiliation, there are the recognized motivators that keep management going. Incentive giving that gives a high or sense of satisfaction and accomplishment above what money or material possessions give us. Things are usually easily and readily attained but something you have had to work for or really strive to achieve is a much more satisfying thing to have. Of course though motivation is an inbuilt self driving force to some people that satisfies them and asserts them enough all on its own. Motivation could almost be looked up as cult operative. Pushing adrenalin and oxygen around the body to keep up some kind of natural high.

Really though motivation is about achievement getting the work done and a sense of fulfillment when the job is completed. Is it also about power having enough energy and ability to obtain or complete what has to be done. It is about people getting on with them and enjoying their company in a work relationship. It is pointless to have a motivation unless there is some real need or challenge that is facing us to be done.

People who only want power are mongers. People who only want achievement burn out. And people who only want affiliation tend to start to bludge. What is needed is a healthy cross balance of all three so that we don't become too dependent on one motivation. Management meant motivation because a manager leads by example, motivating his team by what he has done, what he can do and what he wants done. Motivation is the inspiration of a good leader and the worth of the effort is judged by what is eventually accomplished. Motivation is wise but only when the input equals the output.