Management Meant Creativity

Breville has a slogan of 'better ideas sooner" Sharp has an advertisement that says "simply the best" BHP marketing is portraying themselves as "the quiet achiever". These are all creative ideas that generate an income and produce a company image that suits them, aids the,, and adds to their prestige. Creativity is the means and the way that the company must look and focus in order to go ahead and advance.

Creativity dictates development it generates interest and leads to accomplishing goals and ides. Creativity is best when utilized from all directions, Brain storming though provoking idea generating, concept producing and simply just being able to come up with a way to get the job done better and more professionally. Creativity is the tool or vehicle we use to produce new policies and procedures that lead to a greater and increased rate of sales that but it's innovative ignigitive it generates, re-organises and re-produces new and fresh vibrant ideas. We are constantly looking for new concepts, market driven and traditionally inspired by previous winning and market leading ideas.

These are compiled, assessed and restructured to formulate new patterns and procedures that lead to increased market share and advancement. Creativity is not an excuse to sit back in your arm chair and rest. Though instead an opportunity to take the bull by the horns and advance. It is about interactive reassessing and reorganization that seeks to achieve, further advance and self develop. That in its process and through its purposeful generation it seeks out finds and manifests it's positive feedback, imagination and further creativity. Creativity is the avenue for advancement.