Management Meant Secretaries

Managers or doctors have usually got a need for someone to attend to their overwhelming and excessive amounts of workload and scheduling that is brought about and generated but the very nature and design of their position and their authoritative responsibility.

A secretary is someone who attends to the personal requirements and expectations of the business leader and his ability to manage the capacity of workload and schedule work activities to alleviate his time spent on office activities which frees him up for inspection, direction and managing of his company, organization hierarchy and department integration and knowledge. The secretary would look after appointments, personal matters and needs and would type letters and mail them personally.

The function is not one of glorification but rather necessity to free up time. They should be competent accurate and pleasant in nature well dressed and presented for charismatic leadership to the controlling manager. Initiative and a good general knowledge along with intelligent idea of common sense helps to formulate and establish an efficient door to the on the ball manager.