Management Meant Overseeing

Within the organization structure and hierarchy we have Directors, line manager's supervisors and other key and pivotal positions. Overseeing is simply a matter of viewing the job or work to be done from a superior position. It means that one person will have more power and control than another. It means that one person will watch while another person works. This is all gauged on experience knowledge and productive ability.

One does not walk into a leadership position, one acquires it with tactical learning and development through years of subordinate learning and training. Overseeing or leadership as it can be mistaken for is about the fundamental direction giving and instruction supplying of ideas and tasks that enable the company to generate an income. The main idea or whole surmounting of the idea is give guidance and direction to willing and striving workers. One would think that overseeing was an excuse to dictate, rule and capitalize an unskilled or untrained worker. But in fact that is totally destructive and to be avoided and discouraged at all times.

The fact is that people are people. Humans are humans and are to be treated accordingly. If an animal goes crazy it is killed or locked up. The same goes for people up to a point. But really there is an enormous difference that must be recognized. Overseeing could be travelling to overseas countries or it could be an oversight of something important that was in desperate need of attention but here the point I am trying to get at is that there is different social levels and structures different levels of management all following the hierarchy rules out procedure and priority. Overseeing is fun.