Management Meant Greatness

In the corporate climb to the top of the hierarchy there are many pitfalls and obstacles on your way up the ladder. If however you do manage to get there, there are many advantages and rewards as well as the feeling of prestige and a degree of greatness. Greatness is however not all it is cracked up to be.

There are responsibilities, accountabilities and amongst the many joys and pleasures, there is a great amount of pressure and demand abilities. Greatness is I guess envisaged as a feeling of awe and grandeur but alongside the many advantages are the expected negatives that can pull you down and cut you down to size as soon as you get there. The very nature of management is power seeking, control orientated and centered and revolving around the expectancy of greatness.

There is a secret to maintaining the desired level of position within the corporation and it is called humility. Great people are human hearted, self relenting and desiring to help them achieve what they have already accomplished. In other words the greatest are often the ones who will lower themselves far enough in order to achieve what they desired or what they set out to achieve. Meaning that unless the CEO can talk to the mail boy he is unable to hold and withstand his position of greatness.